The addition of videos to your website and online marketing campaign can bring your firm more visibility, higher levels of engagement and add value for your audience. Consultwebs works with experts in lawyer video marketing to help your firm get more cases from the Web.

The legal marketing opportunity of video advertising

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then, how many words is a moving picture worth?

A few years back there was a huge pivot to video within the marketing and advertising community. Everyone needed a video strategy, but there was still a question of adoption. Who would be watching all this content?

In 2018, according to Nielsen surveys, US adults spent more time watching videos than they did sleeping. So while brands of all shapes and sizes have been producing high quality visual content to fill demand, most law firm marketers have failed to heed the call of video and supply the proper strategy and investments.

average time spent per adult 18+ per day on video

The reason for embracing video advertising for law firms online as part of a well-balanced legal marketing strategy is not because it’s a trend or a fad, firms should consider investing in video advertising because that’s where the people are.

How does video advertising enhance your law firm marketing strategy?

High quality legal video content not only builds trust and engagement, but can create ranking opportunities to boost your firm’s presence in search results.

And when attached to a cohesive marketing strategy that’s aligned to achieve your law firm’s business goals and track and measure results, a well-run video advertising campaign can get your brand and firm in front of a mass-media sized audience of potential clients, for a fraction of a typical mass-media budget.

Video advertising builds trust, builds your brand

When it comes to communicating a story in a compelling way, the saying “don’t just tell, show” is applicable to video advertising for law firms. Prospective clients have a ton of questions, and video is a great way to answer some of those frequently asked questions and build rapport with clients before they even hire your firm.

Videos can create a relationship with clients that builds trust. A high-quality video campaign can highlight the expertise of your staff, educate clients about the legal system, and provide a preview of the experience of your firm.

Video content boosts SEO

Video is nice to look at, but the boost it can provide your law firm in the search engines makes it a critical addition to a well balanced marketing strategy. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is an important aspect to video advertising for a few reasons.

  • Dwell Time – With a wide variety of content, including video, your law firm can keep potential clients on your site, rather than clicking away to a competitor.
  • Keywords – With a properly run video advertising campaign, the copy of the videos are aligned with branded keywords, and fully transcribed and interlinked in ways that can positively impact search engines and your firm.

How can I get video advertising working for my law firm?

To be successful, a solid video advertising campaign should have a foundational strategy that checks three boxes; 1) find an audience for your law firm, 2) capture their attention, and 3) metrics that measure the impact on your brand.

Consultwebs translates digital marketing into results for your law firm with video advertising campaigns, because our strategies are based on those same three principles:

  • Find Customers
    • Reach and Scale of YouTube and Google Video Partners
    • Advanced Audiences on YouTube
  • Capture Attention
    • Leading Viewability & Audibility
    • Ad Formats for every attention span
    • TrueView and reporting metrics tuned for any objective
    • Creative Customization Tools
  • Measure The Impact
    • Flexibility to measure what matters to you (brand metrics, online conversions, offline sales)

Learn how Consultwebs can make video advertising a part of your law firm marketing strategy by getting in touch with us here.