
“Nothing here is cookie-cutter. Everything here is customized, no one-size-fits-all.”

— Magnus Simonarson

Magnus has held positions such as web programmer and engineer prior to joining the Consultwebs team. Magnus’ journey with Consultwebs began when he was hired as a part-time contractor in 2000. From there, Magnus worked his way up in the company. He says that in his first role, he really just “started out doing a bit of everything, from programming and client support to building websites.” He became Consultwebs’ third full-time team member in September 2001. As Consultwebs grew, so did Magnus. His first leadership role was in what is now called our Production Department. In 2011 he became the Executive Vice President, and in 2014 he officially became the President.

When asked what attracted him to Consultwebs in the first place, he says it was the job itself. Magnus has always had a passion for computers, the internet, and hands-on work. Consultwebs was the perfect place for him to be able to do all that and more. Now, after more than 20 years, he has never regretted his decision, and his love for the company has only grown.

When it comes to what sets us apart from our competitors, Magnus says that it is our customization, service, relationships with clients, and ROI focus. He says, “Nothing here is cookie-cutter. Everything here is customized, no one-size-fits-all.”

Magnus currently resides in North Carolina. In his spare time, he enjoys playing and practicing music with his family. He especially enjoys his saxophone, drums, and his Gibson Les Paul guitar. His favorite genres are rock and blues. He also enjoys playing chess and cooking, specifically the kind that revolves around steak and barbecue. However, unlike some of his North Carolinian friends, he much prefers his barbecue without the vinegar.