Creating Content That Generates Interest and Authority

One way to help establish the authority of your law firm’s website is through a healthy link profile. What does that mean? Basically a link profile is the collection of all of the sites and pages on the Web that point a hyperlink to your site as a vote of confidence that the content on your site is worth sharing with its visitors. Want in on a legal SEO best practices tip? One quality link can equal 1,000 lower quality links. What is a quality link? The best links come from great content and a real person deciding your content is worth linking to.

The name of the game is quality over quantity. You want to avoid purchasing a number of links, or using a vendor that sells you link packages. Links that can be easily obtained usually have little value simply because anyone can get them.

What is the Consultwebs approach to establishing your site’s authority through building quality links? We promote authoritative content, and write and publish content on great websites. We encourage inbound links from sites that show visitor engagement (shares/comments), have strong metrics, and can refer traffic to your site. In fact, if a link cannot refer traffic to your site, then it is likely not relevant to your marketing plan or is not a quality site.

Innovative and Useful Resources

The quality content that Consultwebs develops for law firm websites – including practice area pages, blog posts, attorney bios, press releases and more – can all boost a firm’s online authority and generate quality links. Our Content Team includes licensed attorneys and experienced journalists who ensure all materials are accurate, reliable, relevant and interesting. But written words aren’t all we use. In some cases, specially developed online resources can give a website an added kick.

Consultwebs’ creative teams frequently work with law firms to identify areas where the firm can add value by carving out an information niche in a particular focus area. Our teams then collaborate to develop a novel online asset that can serve as a public resource while simultaneously burnishing the firm’s reputation as an authority in the field.

Just a few examples of the types of authoritative online assets Consultwebs develops for law firms include resources such as: a map to identify the most dangerous intersections for pedestrians, a calculator to estimate a person’s blood-alcohol content after drinking craft beers, a survey of teen drivers, a resource center for young football players and a host of inspired infographics.

A Proactive Approach to Content Promotion

At Consultwebs, we don’t simply create great content and useful resources for law firms, and then sit back and hope people will find them online. Instead, we take an active approach to spread the word about what the firm’s site offers.

Consultwebs’ Outreach Team doggedly promotes our clients’ assets – and we do so in a targeted manner. We research which organizations, interest communities, institutions and others are likely to find the resource valuable. The Outreach Team then makes personal contact to promote the firm’s online resources, often using Social Media, personalized email messages and even phone calls.

What can these efforts produce for your firm? Often the result is additional traffic, exposure, and audience as well as high-quality links from organizations that carry authority and whose members are passionate about the subject matter. Promoted online resources can also enhance the firm’s reputation in a particular practice area.

Bolstering Your Firm’s Community Standing

Another key component of developing a firm’s authority involves highlighting the important role firms play in the communities they serve. For example, Consultwebs Social Media team may publicize a firm’s charitable event by posting pictures on Facebook, Twitter and other outlets. The Content Team might generate a press release about a firm’s donation to a worthy cause or refresh a page on the firm’s site with details about the firm’s latest community event.

In some cases, Consultwebs assists firms with developing community involvement programs. For example, we have run scholarship contests for law firms that involve students creating public service videos about important topics, which are then the subject of online voting. In another instance, Consultwebs initiated and promoted an anti-domestic violence campaign that involved college fraternities.

Initiatives such as these serve several important purposes. They enhance the firm’s image in the communities the firm serves, and they also assist the firm’s online marketing efforts by generating natural high-quality links and bolstering the firm’s online reputation for caring about the community – all of which can help generate new client leads.

Consultwebs Is Ready to Help Develop Your Firm’s Online Authority

Find out now how Consultwebs can help you build your firm’s authority on the Internet and in the community, and then convert that goodwill into new clients. For a free consultation, call us toll-free at (844) 811-5027 or fill out or easy online contact form.