The tech race is heating up and we’re all here for it! Let’s uncover the remarkable resurgence of Windows and Bing and what this means for law firms.

Is Windows dead? Everyone remembers the iconic Windows XP wallpaper with its rolling green hills and crystal-clear blue sky, a scene that’s become synonymous with nostalgia and a simpler time in technology.

You may think this was Microsoft’s peak but today, it is becoming a force of power. For a number of years, Microsoft was overshadowed by heavyweight champion Google but this is now (slowly) changing! Statistics show that as of January 2023 Bing, Microsoft’s search engine accounts for 8.85% of the global search market. The growth is steadily becoming noticeable. Take a look:

Global Search Engine Market Graph

Bing has experienced a revival in recent years, proving that it’s not just a one-hit-wonder but a force to be reckoned with in the world of search engines. And for law firms, this revival couldn’t come at a better time. With Bing’s unique features and growing user base, it’s becoming an increasingly valuable tool for reaching potential clients and growing your online presence.

The Moment Microsoft Said, “Bing…o!”

Satya Nadella Microsoft CEO on ChatGPT

Microsoft has spawned an impressive lineup of tools – but these were all the appetizers. Their main meal? The one and only: ChatGPT. While there are many pros and cons behind ChatGPT, one of the most jaw-dropping features behind it is the ability to understand context and generate answers which are inspired and structured like our human brains!

But, how does ChatGPT connect with Microsoft’s Bing? 

  1. For starters, Microsoft recently invested $10 billion into ChatGPT which means it’s  starting to compete with other tech giants like Apple and Google.
  2. The latest version of Bing integrates a superior iteration of OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology, blended with Microsoft’s proprietary search AI (known as “the Prometheus model”)

What the New Features Behind Bing Mean for Law Firms

Let’s cut straight to it. This latest AI addition to Bing’s search engine means law firms have:

  • Better search: It gives law firms an improved version of the typical familiar search engine.
  • Complete answers: Besides reviewing results across the web, Bing now offers a new sidebar with more comprehensive answers. (More on this later.)
  • New search engine capabilities: Before, searching the web meant only that – searching the web. Today, however, Bing added two new functionalities: chat and compose. Their new edge sidebar offers unique comprehensive answers based on your unique needs.
  • An entirely new (and better) chat experience: Bing’s new search offers far more complex search results. For example, if you are planning a trip you can ask it to tailor an itinerary with your unique needs. Let’s see it in action:

ChatGPT Prompt ExampleChatGPT Location On Bing Search Engine

Do you want to test it?

Explore Bing Here


As AI technology advances at an astonishing pace, it’s crucial for humans to approach new AI tools with caution and diligence – especially for sensitive topics like law. While Bing aims to base all their responses on reliable sources, AI tools are designed by humans and thus may make mistakes. In the LAWsome podcast, ‘ChatGPT: The Potential and the Pitfalls’ we’ve touched on the best practices to maximize potential while mitigating risks.

Conclusion: Automation is Here to Stay

Bing has become a formidable player in the world of search engines, offering a range of features and capabilities that make it an attractive choice for users and businesses alike. For law firms looking to automate (ethically), leveraging automation tools such as Bing can be a game-changer.

AI-powered tools can complement your digital assets as well as help streamline and optimize your marketing campaigns. And, alongside all of that, we can help too. Let’s talk about how AI tools can enhance your digital assets.