Category: Law Firm Business
Don’t Let Your Career Take Over: Tips for Balancing Work and Life in Law Are you struggling to balance the demands of work and personal life? You’re not alone. Read ahead to learn about the state of well-being in law and how to work smarter. The legal field is known for its demanding nature, and […]
Are you frustrated with the lack of growth in your firm? Looking for new ways to scale business? We’ll show you how to win at marketing despite rising costs and decreased demand for law firm services. Reuters, an international news agency, found a falling demand for legal services and a rise in overhead costs, which […]
Are you looking to create impact and foster loyalty with those in your community? As the newer generations of clients demand that businesses take a stand on issues, now is the perfect time to give back. Find all the answers here. Studies show social impact is where it’s at. Today, people want to see law […]
Cybersecurity: Keep Your Firm’s and Clients Data Safe As firms are entrusted with lots of sensitive (and legal) information, cybersecurity is a must. Learn about the different types of cyberattacks and download a FREE cybersecurity protocol. The truth is cyberattacks can happen to any business and can be costly for those who aren’t prepared. Research […]
How can creativity be an attorney’s secret weapon for success and growth? More so, how can individuals train their minds to think creatively? Find answers to these questions and more here. Lawyers aren’t necessarily thought of as those who practice the art of being “creative,” but that’s far from the truth! If we think about […]
SMART Goal-Setting for your firm Research suggests that strategies do not gain alignment down the organizational chart because objectives are oftentimes not clear. Only an alarming 22% of employees feel their businesses’ leaders have a clear direction for their organization. Less than half (41%) of US employees strongly agree with what their organization stands for. […]
Is Marketing for Law Firms a Cost or an Investment? Let’s be blunt, marketing has become a necessity. It’s no longer a nice-to-have, as it has turned into more of an expectation than it is a cool addition to your business plan. Let’s explore this a little further. There’s inflation from both sides of the […]
How Consumers Find And Hire Law Firms In a Post-COVID World With Charles Gaudet Law firms aren’t exempt from having to face the unprecedented challenges COVID-19 brought along with it. While the pandemic has forced us all to stay home, law firms have faced internal and external changes in their business model. Perhaps the most […]
Because of the recent changes to social patterns & behaviors, there has rightly been a surge of interest in the legal community about running a remote law firm. Since Consultwebs has been 100% remote from the beginning, we’ve learned a few things about running a company with a distributed workforce that we wanted to combine […]
Have you ever been lost in the forest? Have you ever been lost, ever? These days we have an app and a map for almost every journey we take, from raising a child to building a business. And yet, the one journey that most law firm owners fail to map, is that of their own […]