Does Your Law Firm’s Content Match User Intent?

Does your content match user search intent

What’s the purpose of your law firm’s website? You want to convert visitors into clients. Every lawyer knows the value of a great first impression, and you can build an outstanding online presence by filling your website with content that matches what people are looking for. In other words, you need to sync your content with user intent.

What Is User Intent?

User intent is the reason why a person makes an online search. Most searches for business services happen online today, so an effective SEO strategy involves understanding what people want and providing content that answers their questions quickly, clearly, and persuasively.

Google knows this — and its algorithms are custom-built to detect the most credible sources and rank them highly. If you want to top the list, your content should provide practical guidance that keeps users reading, not bouncing (bouncing refers to a user visiting your website and leaving without taking any further action). 

How to Figure Out What Your Audience Wants

For content that delivers, you must know your business goals. Let’s say you want your medical malpractice caseload to flourish. You need to learn what people are searching for. Here’s how to find out:

  • Identify popular keywords – Conventional wisdom might lead you to believe users are Googling “medical malpractice attorney.” Some certainly are. But tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs could return a very different result. You may find more people are querying “how to win a medical malpractice case” instead. You can leverage that knowledge by tailoring your content to make Google happy.
  • Know your client demographic – Are your clients typically high net-worth individuals or do you draw from a more diverse client base? The tone and substance of your content should align with the target audience to generate valuable leads.
  •  Ask your clients – Inquire about how existing clients found you. If they say “online,” that’s evidence that your content is doing a good job at matching user intent. If clients are primarily coming to you another way, it’s a fair sign that your website needs work.  

Making Your Content Easy to Read

Even Google gets it wrong sometimes. Ever visited a highly ranked website, started reading, and clicked off before finishing the first paragraph or two? 

Bouncing away is your brain’s way of saying the content did not match your user intent — and most likely, it’s because it wasn’t readable. Here are tips for making your content easy to read.

  • Omit the legalese – Too much technical language can be overwhelming. More than half of Americans read at the sixth-grade level, so the information on your website should stay within the middle-school range. You’re more marketable when you’re readable.
  • Clear headlines and subtopics – Your headers should reflect exactly what your content covers so readers get the answers they want right away.
  • Bullet points – Large chunks of text are difficult to process. Bullets and lists are visually pleasing and help users skim, not skip.
  • Add visuals – Images, videos, and infographics can be appealing ways to keep a reader engaged.

Consultwebs Can Help with All Your Content Needs!

Getting your content to match user intent isn’t just about improving your SEO — but it certainly helps with that. Strong content creates a valuable experience for your visitors and gains trust.  

By focusing on what your audience is searching for and presenting it in a practical, user-friendly format, you’re setting your law firm up for success.

For more information about how you can create content that cares and converts, reach out to us for a call with an experienced marketing advisor.