Category: Digital Marketing
Accelerating your firm’s strategy with data Building on your firm’s reputation has never been more critical – and one way to nourish it is through the use of legal data analytics. According to Lexis Nexis, this refers to the science of drawing insights from large volumes of data. Data is increasingly gaining the traction it […]
For a long time, law firms have depended on networking and referral marketing to get more clients through WOM, Word-of-mouth marketing. A big part of this tactic revolves around investing in personal relationships in order to grow. To date, this has always meant attending conferences, fundraisers, chamber of commerce gatherings, workshops, and more. And while […]
How Law firms can use Video marketing to win more Clients We learn and retain new information in countless ways, but perhaps the most powerful way is through visuals. Most of us prefer to process information through videos that simplify topics enough for us to digest with ease. One caveat to take into consideration here, […]
We call them the ideal users, buyers, or customers, but in the end, it all boils down to the same concept: a buyer persona. The idea of buyer personas emerged in the 1990s and ever since the social media boom, most (if not all) law firms that are going digital have their ideal buyer persona […]
How Consumers Find And Hire Law Firms In a Post-COVID World With Charles Gaudet Law firms aren’t exempt from having to face the unprecedented challenges COVID-19 brought along with it. While the pandemic has forced us all to stay home, law firms have faced internal and external changes in their business model. Perhaps the most […]
There is a famous saying by Albert Einstein that goes, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Simplicity is important. Simplicity in language means there is clear communication between two parties. If you think about it, if you understand a topic enough, even the most complex subjects should be simplified […]
There are many ways to turn your law firm website visitors into paying clients. Just because you have website traffic, doesn’t mean your visitors will fill out your contact form or call for a consultation. To transition your website visitors into leads, you must motivate them enough to give up their contact information. You must […]
Let’s jump into the hard facts, here. 60% of law firms don’t measure their marketing ROI. This number is astounding, considering the livelihood and efficiency of their marketing strategies rely on how much return they generate! If your marketing isn’t getting you any new business, there’s no sense in continuing on the same route, right? […]
Competition in the legal industry is getting fiercer by the day. Thanks to technology, law firms are now investing in digital marketing more than ever in a bid to win the attention of clients. Only the elite outshine the crowd, and that’s where branding comes in. Orbelo defines branding as the process of creating a […]
Marketing for lawyers used to be the classic referral and handing out business cards. But the internet and technology disrupted everything. Suddenly, everybody had a website. The competition went from the law firm on the other side of town to a pool of them online. But lawyers were still apprehensive about marketing and there’s a […]