Google Ads COVID-19 credit offer for law firms on tablet, Consultwebs logo displayed.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies are taking steps to help out business.

According to this post from Google:

“We want to help small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) stay in touch with their customers during this challenging time. That’s why we’re giving our SMB customers worldwide $340 million in ad credits, which can be used towards future ad spend, until the end of 2020 across our Google Ads platforms.”

Is Google giving out ad credits to law firms? We have been getting that question quite a bit, and fortunately two of our team members, Stefanie LeBlanc and Matt Smyers, have created this video to give you the latest information on how these ad credits may affect your law firm’s digital advertising.

Matt: Good afternoon, everybody. This is Matt Smyers, and I’m joined today by Stefanie LeBlanc, our PPC manager.

There’s been a lot of questions recently from clients and other law firms around the country about the program that Google has announced where they’re going to be offering businesses free advertising. We wanted to try to provide you with the answers that we have, right now, and then please stay tuned as this situation develops. But Stefanie, can you tell us a little bit about what Google is offering, and what we know so far?

Stefanie: Yeah, sure, of course, Matt. So, as Matt alluded to, Google made an announcement where they’re going to be giving $340 million in ad credits to help support small to medium size businesses around the world. So what that looks like is the credits are going to be given to those who have been active advertisers since January 1st of 2019. And so, yes, this is going to apply to law firms, if they meet those requirements.

Matt: So do we have any idea when these credits are supposed to hit or take place, or how a law firm or business might, look for these credits?

Stefanie: Google is currently in the process of building them out within the accounts, so they’re not going to show immediately. We were told that those credits will start to appear within the Google Ads accounts, beginning in late Quarter 2, so in this quarter to those who are eligible.

The way that a law firm can know whether or not they have an ad credit coming to them is starting at the end of this quarter. If they’re running their own in-house advertising or if they’re working, you know, directly with Consultwebs, with us, they’ll see those notifications within their Ads account.

Matt: Do we have any idea how Google is going to determine how much credit each business will get?

Stefanie: We don’t. Unfortunately, that’s not information that they’ve shared with us and how they determine the actual dollar amount. But we do know that we’ll know that amount as soon as that credit becomes available.

Matt: And can that credit be used for all types of Google advertising, or is it for PPC search campaigns only?

Stefanie: Yeah, that’s a good question. And it’s important that clients know that they can use this across all of Google’s products. So that can apply to search campaigns that they’re running, display or remarketing, and video campaigns on YouTube. So they can choose to use that ad credit in any way, shape, or form that they want.

And once that credit becomes available, they have until the end of 2020 to use the credit. So it’s not [that] they have to use it, right off the bat, in the very first month that it becomes available. They can use it at any point during 2020.

Matt: Great. Thank you. So, there you go, folks. That’s what we know, so far, about this pending Google advertising credit. Obviously, we’re keeping our clients informed about any developments. We’re in constant communications with our team at Google. As soon as we know more, we will continue to post these videos and content.

If you want to get the latest updates on Google Ad credits as well as other important legal marketing news, sign up for our newsletter and we will be sure to keep you informed and up-to-date with the information you need to keep your law firm marketing effective:

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