2021 legal marketing insights on a misty road with Consultwebs logo, highlighting future trends.

“Unwavering incremental change can create remarkable and monumental results.”
– Ryan Lilly

Well, based on the amount of…underestimation of the fluctuating nature of 2020…it’s hard to imagine the shelf-life of Legal marketing advice these days, is any longer than that of a banana, duct taped to a wall.*

However, in the human world, and in the world of effective law firm marketing, the implementation of useful advice, is a much slower process.

We predict the marketing buzz-word that successful law firms will use in 2021, is “incremental.”

This past year during the health crisis, we saw the absolute best of humanity shine through the legal community, in an historically tumultuous environment. Head partners handing out masks, crowd-funding for struggling local business, pivoting to remote & digital operations; all while making incremental, memorable, impacts in their marketplaces & communities.

In 2021, a reliable law firm business development strategy will be built on a strong, foundational brand, with marketing tools, techniques, and partnerships, dedicated to incremental, but unwavering progress.

New innovations, like Google LSAs, and the disruption of the third-party tracking industry, are signs that change persists in online legal marketing. But the importance of compelling words, strong SEO, and Design for Conversion web design, will never go out of style.

In 2021, strong partnerships and a consistent strategy, will be essential as the latest “industry standards” in legal marketing, quickly become buzzworthy, or get tossed in a bin.
This year, legal marketers will learn how to measure and set strategic goals, cut through all the hysteria, hype, and hope, and hone the basics of legal marketing and advertising – one step at a time.

We are extremely proud of all the hard work, research, and insight that went into this project, and proudly present our Consultwebs 2021 Legal Marketing Trends and Predictions Report. Please enjoy!

Have questions or are interested in improving your law firms brand marketing strategy, Get In Touch, Subscribe to our Newsletter, and catch up with the LAWsome podcast!

As the President of Consultwebs, Magnus is in charge of leading our team to success. He loves the quote by Chris LoCurto, one of his business coaches, when he says, “Your job is to make your team successful, not the other way around.” He meets regularly with the leadership team to solve problems, develop strategies, and bring clarity. He seeks to build the team while also building the business.