2020 Best Legal Ads Award by Consultwebs featuring bold text and gavel graphics.

When it comes to attorney marketing in today’s cluttered media environment, what does it take to stand out, and bring the right kind of attention, and intention, to a law firm?

Some legal marketing experts will say “hammers,” or “strong arms” are the only way to break through to potential clients, while others will say that good lawyering and earning a reputation for being, “trusted,” and “reliable,” is the true path.

Well, based on over 20 years of legal marketing expertise, we say, hammers or not, the law firms that embrace their brand, create memorable marketing assets, and bring those campaigns to broad audiences, are the ones that tend to take the most market share.

The reality is, most lawyers do not advertise their services. Whether that’s because of the reputation of advertising lawyers, or because they feel marketing might cheapen their services, attorneys remain leery of developing business through advertising.

Perhaps, the reason more lawyers don’t advertise, is because they don’t know about, the best of the best?

Well, cue the drumroll and pop the popcorn, for the 2020 edition of Best of the Best Attorney Advertisements!

Mike Morse

Michigan-based personal injury attorney, Mike Morse, has had a string of memorable, engaging TV commercials run in Detroit, often featuring funny and familiar situations.

When COVID hit, while most law firms were shying away from market spend, Morse pivoted into Lone Ranger-mode with his Masked Lawyer ad, and the results couldn’t have been more stellar.

Ed Versus

Brown & Crouppen, a legacy personal injury firm based out of Missouri, has maintained a strong advertising presence on TV in the St. Louis area for over 30 years.

As digital media began to rise in prominence, and video services like YouTube were penetrating into legal marketers TV budgets, one of the partners of the firm, Ed Herman, decided to branch off into content marketing for the law firm, creating a YouTube video series, entitled, “Ed Versus”

We’ve had Ed on our podcast, featured his stuff extensively, and his video about living in quarantine is hilarious, relatable, and a fine example as to why this law firm gets EMMY AWARDS for it’s content marketing efforts. Multiple, many Emmys. It’s a real thing. Deal with that ceiling!

Richard Schwartz

The Mississippi-based personal injury law firm of Richard Schwartz is another heavy advertising presence in their market and has a track record of corny and catchy Superbowl spots that they’ve run for the past several years.

So, suffice it to say, the firm’s Superbowl spot for the “big game” in 2020, wasn’t their first rodeo. Accessing the power of pop culture memory, jingles, and (do we see a little Riverdance?) top-shelf music video stylings, this Old Town Road parody is fantastic!

Darryl Issacs

The strongly branded form of “Kentucky Justice” wielded by personal injury attorney Darryl Issacs, has been a Superbowl staple on TV sets all over the state for years.

The memorable branded asset game is strong with this law firm, and their 2020 TV spot, was definitely a force to be reckoned with.


Alabama has its fair share of lawyers marketing and advertising to potential clients across the state, but this “Godfather of PI Law” spot, created by the Mobile-based personal injury firm of Maloney & Lyons, takes a shot at the insurance companies in over-the-top mobster fashion.

The ad definitely generated some controversy, both legally, with the appropriation of all those well-known trademarks & icons, and in the public domain, with some (including me) finding the gratuitous violence a tad excessive.

The spot was a gamble, that created a massive wave of awareness for the firm, and at the end of the day, cut through the media landscape with something memorable. at the end of this shootout, we’ll take the cannoli!

In Conclusion

No matter the marketing medium, be it online or off, law firms that choose to advertise their firms need to have strategic goals and partnerships with agencies they can trust to deliver the results they’re desiring from their investments. Consultwebs has been exclusively helping law firms create marketing strategies that incorporate traditional and digital media since 1999.

If you’re interested in video advertising or marketing for your law firm, get in touch with us today to see how we can help.

Author: Eric Reiss

As a  Digital Marketing Manager with Consultwebs, Eric Reiss partners with the law firms to help them attract new clients by expanding their Web presence and developing robust Web assets.