Exploring AIs impact on legal content creation in a modern, tech-themed graphic.

As technology advances, more and more businesses are turning to artificial intelligence (A.I.) for help with content marketing and SEO strategies. A.I. offers a wealth of benefits that can be extremely useful for online content. However, there are also some limitations and potential risks associated with its use. In this blog post, we will explore the pros and cons of using A.I.-generated content and provide tips on how to ensure your website’s safety when using it.

What is A.I.?

A.I. is a type of computer software that can learn and make decisions on its own, without human input. It has the ability to analyze data and recognize patterns, which allows it to perform tasks such as translating text, identifying images, or answering questions.

How can A.I. be used in content marketing and SEO strategies?

A.I. can help to create the best possible online experience for your visitors by providing them with relevant articles, blog posts, podcasts, and videos based on their interests or needs at the time of viewing these materials (based on an analysis of previous visits). For example: if someone has visited several pages on your website that are related to divorce, A.I. may suggest an article on the topic of divorce law when they visit the site again.

A.I. can also be used to improve your website’s SEO ranking by helping you to identify and target the right keywords for your content. It can also help you to track the performance of the content that you’ve created so far.

Benefits of using A.I.-generated content:

  • It’s easy to use and requires little technical knowledge or training, which means you can focus on the creative side rather than the technical aspects of producing quality material for your website visitors. For example: if someone has visited several pages on your website that are related to divorce, the A.I. may suggest an article on the topic of divorce law when they visit the site again (based on an analysis of previous visits).
  • It allows businesses to reach larger audiences by providing them with relevant content based on their interests or needs at the time of viewing these materials (based on the A.I.’s analysis of previous visits).
  • It can help you identify the most popular topics for your audience and create content around those themes, which is likely to be shared more often than other types of content (e.g., blog posts that are not related to any specific topic).

Limitations of A.I.-generated content:

  • The quality of the content may not be as good as manually-created content. It can be expensive to implement the technology and take time before it starts generating results for you or your business; however, if done correctly from the beginning (i.e., by carefully selecting keywords that are relevant to your audience) the benefits can be long-lasting.
  • There is the potential for the A.I.-generated content to go out of date quickly if it’s not regularly updated, so you’ll need to factor in the time and cost of doing this into your overall budget.
  • If you’re not careful about the keywords that you choose, the A.I. may generate content that is irrelevant to your target audience or even offensive (e.g., if you’re a lawyer and the A.I.-generated content uses legal jargon that’s not appropriate for your clientele).

How to ensure your website’s safety when using A.I.-generated content:

  • Always vet the keywords that the A.I will use before you start generating content so that you can be sure they are relevant to your target audience and won’t cause any offense.
  • Regularly check the accuracy of the A.I.-generated content against other sources (e.g., other websites, published books) to ensure its accuracy.
  • Use a plagiarism checker to make sure the A.I.-generated content doesn’t contain any copied text from other sources; the last thing you want to do is get sued for copyright infringement!
  • Regularly check the accuracy of the A.I.-generated content against other sources (e.g., other websites, published books) to ensure its accuracy; if it’s not accurate enough then don’t publish the post on your website as this could damage the reputation of your business.


We hope this blog post helped you understand the basics of A.I., how it can be used in content marketing and SEO strategies, its benefits, limitations, potential risks associated with using A.I.-generated content along with some helpful tips on ensuring your website’s safety when using A.I.-generated content to create online content for lawyers. Sign up for our Consultwebs newsletter below if you want more information about any of these topics or would like us to work with you on your next project!

Here’s the biggest plot twist you didn’t see coming:

This whole blog post except for this last paragraph was actually written by A.I!

We have to say though, it has been edited a bit since it tends to repeat itself here and there. It’s also worth noting that when we checked it with the Hemingway App, an app which uses A.I. to “make your writing bold and clear” – this content received the worst score we’ve seen thus far! Usually we try to keep the score under 9 and this post ranked as high as 13!  It’s noticeable that A.I. is still a work in progress.

While the human touch is indispensable it’s still a good idea to work better, smarter and faster with innovative technology like this. If you’re looking to move ahead far and fast today, it’s possible! We’re here to help.