2019 Legal Marketing Insights: Abstract Vortex Design with Consultwebs Logo.

Funnels, CRMs, CTRs, and KPIs: If you’ve spent any time around legal marketers, you know we are stuck on our buzzwords.

Unfortunately, one buzzword that may fly under the radar in 2019 is “discernment.”

Equipped with the right information, discerning legal marketers who thrive in 2019 will cut through all the hype and hope, and hone the basics of digital marketing and advertising.

At least, that’s what we’re predicting…

2019 legal marketing trends and predictions

2019 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions

We’re proud of all the hard work, staff expertise, experience, and insight that went into our 2019 Legal Marketing Trends & Predictions from all five of our main legal marketing practice areas here at Consultwebs: SEO, PPC/Video Advertising, Web Design, Social Media, and Content.

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