Todd Marcinkiewicz Bio

Todd Marcinkiewicz

Lead Designer

As a Lead Designer with our Production Team, Todd Marcinkiewicz works closely with our clients, project managers, and campaign architects to create compelling, user-focused website designs.

Todd brings more than 15 years of design and illustration experience to Consultwebs, having previously worked at interactive agencies and as a freelance designer on web, print and marketing projects.

“With my agency and freelance experience I bring to the table not only design and illustration skills, but also the ability to work on a design team, independently, and to work with project stakeholders,” Todd says.

Todd is a native of Middletown, New Jersey. He earned his degree in Graphic Design from the Maryland Institute College of Art in 1999.

He currently lives in Annapolis, Maryland where in his spare time, he enjoys mountain biking, kayaking and spending time with his wife and two young boys.

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If someone was thinking about hiring Consultwebs, I would tell them: ‘Do it now. Do not put it off because you’re costing yourself money.’

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David Craig

Consultwebs knows how to drive business to my site.

— David W. Craig
Charles R Ullman & Associates

Every time I’ve talked with whomever I’ve had helping me at the company, they’ve taken it to heart like it was their own business.

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