Greg Froom is the Senior Content Editor for Consultwebs, directing the activities of the content team.
A licensed attorney and experienced journalist, Greg helps our law firm clients to enhance their Internet presence by developing content that is optimized for search engines and appealing to people who need legal information and representation.
“I think one of our best assets at Consultwebs is our content team,” Greg says. “Because our team includes lawyers, we have a firm understanding of legal issues and the business of law. We know how to work cooperatively with attorneys. Their goals are ours. Also, having a background in journalism and writing, we’re able to communicate effectively to readers.”
Greg was born and raised in Winchester, Va. He graduated from James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va., in 1997 with a double major in German and international affairs. He went on to earn his law degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2001.